Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Swiss Grid Projection

Today I have used a Swiss Grid Projection in ArcGIS to plot some data for a student.
I have got all the info from this nice site SWISSTOPO, and I ended up to have a very nice distorted map of the globe.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Python Max Value

I did it! I have just found a nice way to extract the maximum field value from a bench of records previously selected. The trick is to build up a Python list L = [], where
I can append all the selected items L.append =(row.fieldname). Next I can run max(L)
to extract the maximum value.


Monday, March 1, 2010

The Greater Cairo

I have just made a quick map of the Greater Cairo...all data are coming from
Geocommunity (http://www.geocomm.com/).